Hotel Chocolat

442 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Hotel Chocolat is talking almighty tummy rot

I start on the subject of strawberries. Then it is onto: Hotel Chocolat (HOTC), SRT Marine (SRT), Bidstack (BIDS), Non Standard Finance (NSF), Versarien (VRS) and Audioboom (BOOM), today’s big ouzo moment.


2828 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - The great ladies man David Williams not that bombastic prick from Avanti

Getting my excuses in early: if I make any errors it is because I cannot see properly for reasons I explain. I then look at Aortech (AOR), Eden (FRAUD), Aurum Mining (AUR) as in David Williams, Karelian Diamonds (KDR), Falanx (FLX),  in real detail FastForward (FFWD), another hugely overvalued ramp in which my good friend Jim Mellon is involved and finally Hotel Chocolat (HOTC) where I have misgivings. For photos of chocolate as art taken by me on Monday go HERE
